It makes absolute sense that a cat would so much love to walk on logs.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28Liked by Ken Barber

I just love that you have Pookie with you and that she enjoys herself just as much as you do!

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She was a wonderful companion. She's been gone three years now, and I still miss her.

Someday I'll go boondocking again, but it just won't be the same without her sniffing all around camp and walking on the logs.

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Jun 28Liked by Ken Barber

Ah, I'm so sorry to hear that! I can imagine it's a bit of a hurdle to go back out without her.

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Lake of the Woods is magical! Been to a lot of Oregon lakes, there are so many, each with its own special features and attributes, but Lake of the Woods kept me going back again and again. I'm an SKP from Ohio. At age 16 it seemed unimaginable such a place could exist!. My first impressions were life altering.

Oregon has something for everyone, too bad it's full. Yep, anyone reading Ken's posts about Oregon should not get the idea of moving here, we're full up. Try Washington, they have lots of room.

Caveat; you CAN move to Oregon if you get two Californians to leave first. Them's the rules. 🤣🤣🤣

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