
I wish I had thought about putting this in the story but I shan't change a post after it has published.

Chipmunks are SOOOO cute. Why are they cute, but mice are disgusting? Is it really all about the furry tail? Or is there more to it?

Pookie liked them too. I chewed her out after the first one, and then realized she probably couldn't differentiate them from mice. She only did it two more times, and they aren't exactly endangered or anything. Besides, she didn't waste anything: she always ate the entire chipmunk, except for guts and tail.

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You mentioned above, "So I’m left wondering, and contemplating what life would be like in such a quiet, out-of-the-way place."

Well, every photo in this post gives me the exact same sensation - what would it be like to just stay there for a long, long time? All of these trigger that longing, but the one that engaged me the most is of the railroad tracks going around the bend. THAT picture is special. Like may of your photographs, they all make me want to "walk into" them. But the RR is a memory from my childhood in Ohio where trains run all throughout the rural areas. I stood on many a track like this, and I can still smell the creosote that fumes on a hot day.

Well done! I admire every post, every time, but this one is special. Thank you for doing what you do, it brought to me a wonderful reverie.

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